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Full text of "Canonical Covariant Formulation of Green-Schwarz Superstring without Second Class Constraints"

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A. Restuccia 


J. Stephany 

Universidad Simon Bolivar 
Departamento de Fisica 
Apartado Postal 89000, Caracas 1080- A 
e-mail: stephany 


We describe a canonical covariant formulation of the Green-Schwarz Superstring which 
allows the construction of a new covariant action canonically equivalent to the Green- 
Schwarz action but subjected only to first class constraints. From this action the correct 
BRST operator for the quantization of the Green-Schwarz Superstring may be con- 
structed. Also the gauge fixed action in the Light-Cone gauge may be reobtained. The 
action presented in this letter generalizes in a non-trivial form the action introduced by 
Kallosh for the Brink-Schwarz-Casalbuoni Superparticle. 


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The advance in the development of Superstring theory has been delayed for some 
time by the lack of an explicitly covariant quantization environment in which the second 
quantized theory of interacting Superstrings could be discussed . For the Green-Schwarz 
Superstring (GSS) [1] this problem reveals itself through the unsuccessful result of the var- 
ious attempts to construct the correct BRST operator of the theory. The main difficulty is 
related to the fact that the first class constraints associated to the local K-supersymmetry 
[2] appear mixed with second class constraints in such a way that no local and Lorentz 
covariant quantization of the system appears to be allowed [3]. On the other hand the 
definite success of the light cone gauge approach for the computation of finite multiloop 
amplitudes [4] reaffirm our expectations of having a theory of fundamental interactions in 
terms of Superstrings. Moreover recent results for the bosonic case [5] renew our confi- 
dence in the feasibility of a covariant second quantized Superstring theory once we have 
constructed the correct BRST operator in the first quantized formulation. 

The zero mode structure of GSS is described by the Brink-Schwarz and Casalbuoni 
(BSCS) superparticle [6] which in particular has a constraint structure which is similar 
to, although simpler, than the one of the GSS. After many attemps the correct BRST 
operator for the BSCS was finally constructed in Ref.[7] in terms of an infinite set of 
auxiliary fields. Later in Ref.[8] Kallosh was able to construct an action from which the 
previously constructed BRST operator may be deduced. This resolves the problem for 
the BSCS but regretfully this construction has no obvious generalization for the GSS. 
Another approach to the BSCS using twistor variables may be found in Ref.[9] (see also 
references in Ref.[10]). In a recent paper [10] we presented a canonical covariant approach 
which, starting from the original BSCS action and by enlarging the phase space with the 
introduction of appropriate auxiliary variables [11], allowed the construction of the action 
presented by Kallosh in a systematic way. In this paper we present the generalization of 
this approach to the GSS obtaining a local, Lorentz covariant action which generalizes 
Kallosh action in a non-trivial way. From this action the correct BRST operator needed 
for the quantization of the GSS could be obtained using standard methods. . 

The Green-Schwarz action, for type IIB Superstring, [1] is given 

S(x,0) =< L 1 + L 2 > 



7r« = d a x» - ie ^d a e A 

k A ^ a = ie A ^d a 6 A without sum A = 1, 2. 


Here 6 = 1,2, are 10-dim Majorana-Weyl spinors of the same chirality. We denote with 
<> integration on the 2-dim world sheet variables r and a. The world sheet indices are a 
and (3 while \x and v denote the 10-dim target space indices. Introducing r\ A and P M the 

- 3 - 

conjugate momenta to 9 A and x^ the canonical analysis [3] yields the constraints (using 
primes to denote d a ) 

V>- = \(P lt -x lt , ) 2 -2r, 1 9 1 ', 

<p+ = \(P»-x lt , ) 2 + 2r, 2 d 2 ', (2a) 
which are first class and the constraints 

F_ = r J 1 + i6 Y(P» 
F+ = V 2 + tf^(P^ 

which are a mixture of first and second class 
decomposed into first class contraints 

and second class ones 

F-T+ = 

- < + fcjj = 0, (2b) 
ones. The latter (2b) may be covariantly 


F+r_ = 0, (3b) 

by using the following definitions and properties of the r + , T_ matrices 

r_ = 7 ^(p /i -x; + 2^ CT ) 

r + = 7 ^(P M -x M / -2g CT ), (4) 

r_r_ = 2H_i = 2(</?_ + 2F_^ 1 ')i 
r + r + = 2H+i = 2((p+ - 2F + e 2 ')i 
r_r + = r + r_ = 2(p 2 - x' 2 - 2a£ <t (p" - x v )+ 

+ 2fc; (J (P^ + ^)-4A ; ; f7 A ; 2 ^)l. (5) 

Nevertheless ^+ and ip_ are infinite reducible constraints and this together with the fact 
that (3b) are second class are the obstacles mentioned above to the quantization of the 

We observe that the — (+) constraints in (2) are associated to the left (right) moving 
sector of the Superstring which decouple. In particular T_, F_, </?_, F_T_ commute, 
under Poisson bracket, with r+, F+, tp+, -F+T-)-. 

Following our strategy in Ref. 10 we are now going to extend the phase space in 
order to eliminate the second class constraints. To this end we will construct in the 
extended phase space a new dynamical system restricted only by first class constraints 
such that with an admissible partial gauge fixing it reduces to the original system, with the 
correct quantum measure [12]. The procedure starts, as in the case of the superparticle, 
by constructing a new dynamical system S n , with n-stages of reducibility, canonically 
equivalent to the GSS. Then we consider the limit n — > oo in a sense that will be precisely 


defined and show that in this limit the new dynamical system contains only first class 

We are going to treat the left sector explicitly. The procedure for the right sector is 
similar. We introduce the new canonical variables 771 and £1 and consider the extension of 
F- given by 

F-=F- + ^!. (6) 


$i = 77i+f -wi, (7) 
C-cui =<Ci(o>i(? )( 7) >~. (8) 

Here <>^r denotes integration on a and the matrix uj\ = u>i(a, a) is independent of 77 and 

We determine ui\ from the condition 

{F_(a),F_(a)} = 0. (9) 

The solution to this problem is given by 

wi(<r,a) = -iT 8(a,a) - ^ 1 ^o'h»5(a,d)+ 

+ l(U*h^i(vh^(a,d), (10) 

where T = T_ and £ = 1 . 

It is a non trivial generalization of the solution uj = — ft 3 for the similar problem in 
the case of the superparticle [10]. It depends not only on the original canonical variables 
but also in the new one £1. 

We now introduce the new geometrical object 

$ 1 = r]l +^ l .W 1 , (11) 
with W\ (a, a) is determined from the condition 

{F_(<r),$(?)} = 0. (12) 
There exists a solution to this equation given by 

{tiirWtiPh^i*,*), (13) 

which again is a generalization of the W\ = introduced for the analysis of the superpar- 
ticle [10]. 

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We now obtain the appropriate extension of the projectors (4). We define ri(cr) 

{$((7),$(a)} = 2ir 1 ((7)«J( ( T,5). (14) 

Ti(a) is then given by 

F^a) = r (a) - di^&V + 2*(£ i7m £ 1 ')7 m (15) 


r^! = 2H!i, 

Hi = ^(P M - ^ + 2*^ - 4z£ i7m £o') + 2i(^ l7 ^i')) 2 - (16) 
The extension of <£>_ is then defined by 

<p 1 = H 1 -2Q 1 (&-Q. (17) 
It satisfies the following commutation relations 


{<Pi(<r),<Pi(<r)} = 2(pi(<7) + ¥>i(ct))^<J(<7,ct) 

{vi{a)M°) = -m°)^K°,°) 

{cp 1 (a),F.(a)} = 0. (18) 

The original set of constraints (2) is now reformulated in the extended phase space in the 
following way 

F_ = F_ + $i = (19a) 
cp! = (19b) 
Si = 0. (20) 

Constraints (19) are first class, while (20) is still a mixture of first and second class con- 
straints. The equations above correspond to the left moving sector, there is an analogous 
set for the right moving sector. 

The first class part of $i may be decoupled by considering 

^i = (F_ + $i-8i)ri = 0, (21a) 

$f = 8ir+ = o. (2ib) 

which is are the generalizations of equations (3). We have then the constraints 

F_ = 0, (22a) 

if! = 0, (22b) 

V>i = 0, (22c) 

$J = 0. (23) 

- 6 - 

Again constraints (22) are first class while constraints (23) are second class. The constraints 
ipi are infinite reducible. We may recover the original set of left moving constraints in (2) 
by doing a partial gauge fixing. The reduction is performed by considering the partial 
gauge fixing condition, associated to (22a), 

X- = r+£i = (24a) 
X T _ = m T+ = 0. (24b) 

From (24) and (22) we obtain rji = 0, £i = 0. Eq.(22) then reduces exactly to the 
left moving constraints in (2), (3). Moreover the reduction may also be obtained in the 
functional integral, with the correct quantum measure [12]. The proof goes in the same 
way as for the superparticle extension in [10]. 

Having constructed Si we may now proceed to obtain S n . We introduce 



= rji + ^ ■ tui, i=l,---,n (25) 

Wl ((7, a) = -OWfo a) - ^7 M (Ci - £_ 2 + • • • Qh^(a, a)+ 

+ \Gi(°)'fti@h^6(<r,2), (26) 

ee m + & ■ w % (27) 

Wi(a, a) = flWfo a) + - (frA^-i - £-2 + ' • • &)h^(<j, a)+ 

-(Wh^h^(a,a). (28) 
We now introduce Ti(cr) generalizing (14) through the equation 

{8 i ((7),8 i (ff)} = 2ir i ((7)<5(<7,a), (29) 

which give 

Tiia) = r^ia) - 4i(e i7 M(Ci-i - £-2 + • • • Q)Y + 2*(^7m£97 m - (30) 
The expressions for H n and <p n are obtained from 



Hn = \{P» ~x' n + 2fcJ CT - 4z(e n7M (^-i " C-2 + • ••&))+ 

+ 2^7mO) 2 

v»„ = ^„-2$ n (e / n -e , „-i + ---e / )- (31) 


Finally we consider 

ijj n = ^ n r n , 

^ n = F- + $1 - 81 - $ 2 - $2 + $3 $n = 

= f_ + ^(wi - w 1 ) - e 2 (^ 2 - w 2 ) + ■ • -LK - w n ). 

The complete set of constraints associated to S n are 

F_ + $1 = 
81 + $2 = 



The constraints (33) are first class with ip n infinite reducible while 

■n 1 + 



are second class constraints. We note that the constraint (34) is equivalent to <E>^ = 0. We 
may again recover the GSS in the original phase space restricted by the set of constraints 
in (2) by doing a partial gauge fixing. The reduction is performed by considering the 
following gauge fixing conditions, associated to (33a), 

r+Ci = 
r+6 = 
r+6 = 

r+£n = 

r?ir+ = 
r_£i = 
r_£ 2 = 



From (36) we obtain 

6 = 0, 
6 = 0, 

Cn-l = 0, 

T+^n = 0. 


From the transverse projection of (33a), multiplying then by r + , and using (34) we get 

T-fn = (38) 

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which together with (37b) yield 

Hn = 0. (39) 

From (33a) and (33c) we then obtain 

Vi = 

Vn = (40) 

The system defined by S n , restricted by (33) and (34) then reduces to original system 
subjected to the constraints in (2). The reduction in the functional integral, is performed 
with the correct quantum measure [11] [12]. The generalization needed to include the right 
moving sector presents no further complications. 

The constrained system is determined from (33) taking n — > oo. The key point is 
that in this limit there are only first class constraints. This can be shown by taking the 
gauge fixing conditions 

r + &+i = o , r_6 = o (4i) 

which generalize (36). For any i > n, system Soo reduces to S n and hence is equivalent to 
the original constrained system. Moreover one can show that in this gauge is satisfied 
identically and that the algebra of the first class constraints (33) closes without further 
restrictions. The action associated to may then be written in the form 

S 00 <P lt x» + S-+S+ >, (42a) 


S ™ =< ^2 ViZi + ai Poc + I34>oo + 



+ > (42b) 


where r]o = r), £o = 1 , &o = F- and is the analogous construction for the right 
moving sector, in terms of new independent auxiliary fields. The system (42) is infinite 
reducible as a consequence of the infinite reducibility of vpoo. The others constraints are 
irreducible. 5+ is obtained from the expression of changing the sign of the terms with 
a d a derivative. 

We have thus constructed a new action given by (42) constrained only by first class 
constraints which has the same degrees of freedom and is canonically equivalent to the 
original Green-Schwarz action. This formulation is in terms of regular first class constraints 
only allowing a consistent construction of the BRST charge with the right cohomology 
for Superstring.The systems S n in our approach are still restricted by some second class 
constraints which are needed in order to match the degrees of freedom of the Green-Schwarz 
Superstring. In the limit n — > oo only first class constraints appear but we still obtain the 
correct number of degrees of freedom. As in the superparticle case [10] the manipulation 
of the infinite auxiliary fields as well as the infinite tower of ghosts for ghosts which appear 
due to the infinite reducibility of the system, may require the introduction of generating 

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functions [14] . In this line of thought it is interesting to notice that gauge fixing conditions 
which are equivalent for each one of the S n actions may be inequivalent in the n — > oo 


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